


BlueHub Capital | 2021 Annual Report
“We may have all come on different ships,
but we’re in the same boat now.”
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Empowering Communities


Our Nation

Across America, people are striving to live with dignity, courage and grace. We all need safe homes, quality schools, nutritious food. We all need an opportunity to participate fully in the American dream. BlueHub and our partners are banding together to make every community a more vibrant place to live. We invite you to join us.

To Our Partners

2021 was a productive and exciting year for BlueHub Capital, COVID-19 notwithstanding. We launched our newest nonprofit initiative, One Percent for America (OPA), the inspiration behind this year’s annual report theme. Through OPA, we are reviving Lady Liberty and her enlightening torch to unify current and future US citizens under a shared goal — making citizenship more affordable. While OPA takes the torch on citizenship financing, BlueHub’s existing programs are lighting the way in their respective industries.

Elyse D. Cherry
BlueHub Capital
Dewitt Jones
BlueHub Energy
Michelle Volpe
BlueHub Loan Fund




Empowering every American—current and future—strengthens the fabric of our nation and unifies us under a shared goal.




At its best, education sparks both intellectual curiosity and personal growth, setting a rock-solid foundation for its students’ future.




Effective community assets are the backbone of a strong society, uniquely providing the support, safeguards and resources that enable residents to thrive.

2021 BlueHub by the Numbers

*As of 12/31/2021

Units of affordable housing built, preserved or enhanced


Students served at high-quality schools and youth programs

6.9 bil+

Square feet of new and renovated commercial real estate and community facilities

2021 Cumulative Lending/
Investment by State

*As of 12/31/2021. BlueHub works across the United States, serving low-income communities in our nation’s most populous areas.
> $100M
< $50M


In Our

Mission 2021

BlueHub Loan Fund makes loans to nonprofits, community organizations, and developers that create and enhance affordable housing, energy efficiency, community health resources, quality education, small businesses, and other opportunities. BlueHub SUN works to prevent the displacement of families and the neighborhood-destabilizing effects of vacancy and abandonment by acquiring foreclosed properties before evictions occur and reselling them to their existing occupants with mortgages they can afford.

See our List of 2021 Partners

our mission

Our mission is to build healthy communities where low-income people live and work.